The Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre, next door to Regina’s Place, is where young parents earn a higher education to break the cycle of poverty and better their chances of employment and independence. The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, in partnership with Good Shepherd, operates a school for young parents, while on-site child minding is provided for their babies. The Jeanne Scott School is for young parents who live at Regina’s Place or in the east end of Hamilton.
Details about The Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre 905-549-4276The Transitional Beds Program is for high-risk patients after hospitalization and offers; 10-bed medical discharge program for adults, short-term care to support medical stabilization and recovery from acute illness or a medical condition, help facilitating timely hospital discharges, improved patient outcomes, including the potential for decreased re-admission to hospital and the emergency department, service to patients who, upon discharge from hospital, will be homeless, precariously housed, or facing a variety of circumstances that will significantly limit their access to health and community services.
Details about Transitional Beds Program 905-572-6824The Youth Services Mental Health Program supports young people aged 16-21 experiencing homelessness or precarious housing in Hamilton and surrounding areas. The Mental Health Program supports young people with their mental health and wellness through person-centered and evidence-informed care provided by Social Workers, Peer Support Workers, and Psychotherapists.
Details about Youth Community Mental Health Program 905-308-8090View a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.
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