Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. provides supportive housing in Hamilton. Tenants are typically those with mental or physical disabilities and victims of domestic violence.
Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Hamilton 905-525-5188The Homelessness Prevention Program supports families, women, and youth at imminent risk (within 60 days) of becoming homeless. To access the program, you must complete a telephone assessment. For more information call 289-919-0396.
Details about Homelessness Prevention Program 905-528-6565Good Shepherd Notre Dame House is committed to helping youth who are street-involved or homeless due to family violence, conflict, abuse, neglect, poverty and exposure to mental health and addiction issues. Our goal is to ensure that they have the support they need to overcome obstacles and break down barriers to become active and contributing members of our community.
Details about Notre Dame House 905-308-8090View a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.
© 2025 Good Shepherd