The Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre
The Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre, next door to Regina’s Place, is where young parents earn a higher education to break the cycle of poverty and better their chances of employment and independence. The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, in partnership with Good Shepherd, operates a school for young parents, while on-site child minding is provided for their babies. The Jeanne Scott School is for young parents who live at Regina’s Place or in the east end of Hamilton.

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Director: Norma Joaquim
Young parents earn an education to break the cycle of poverty at the Jeanne Scott Parent & Child Resource Centre, next door to Regina’s Place.
The Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board, in partnership with Good Shepherd, operates a school for young parents, while on-site child minding is provided for their babies. The school is also open to youth in the community.
In addition to the alternative school, young parents have the opportunity to attend programs based on their personal needs and strengths. These programs help young parents to continue to build life skills and increase parenting abilities.