The Seniors at Risk in Hamilton Collaborative facilitates timely interventions and offers supports for seniors impacted by issues such as dementia, abuse/exploitation, mental and physical health challenges, precarious housing, food insecurity and social isolation.
Details about Seniors at Risk in Hamilton Collaborative 289.919.3450 Email usSteps to Health is a health and lifestyle program for adults with a mental health diagnosis. The aim of the program is to help prevent chronic disease and enhance quality of life. Programs offered: Exercise, Cooking, Nutrition, Smoking Management and Weight Management. To qualify for this program, you must be: a resident of the Greater Hamilton Area, 18 years of age or older, have a mental health diagnosis.
Details about Steps to Health 905-528-3655 Email usThe Transitional Beds Program is for high-risk patients after hospitalization and offers; 10-bed medical discharge program for adults, short-term care to support medical stabilization and recovery from acute illness or a medical condition, help facilitating timely hospital discharges, improved patient outcomes, including the potential for decreased re-admission to hospital and the emergency department, service to patients who, upon discharge from hospital, will be homeless, precariously housed, or facing a variety of circumstances that will significantly limit their access to health and community services.
Details about Transitional Beds Program 905-572-6824The Youth Services Mental Health Program supports young people aged 16-21 experiencing homelessness or precarious housing in Hamilton and surrounding areas. The Mental Health Program supports young people with their mental health and wellness through person-centered and evidence-informed care provided by Social Workers, Peer Support Workers, and Psychotherapists.
Details about Youth Community Mental Health Program 905-308-8090View a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.
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