Brennan House is an 8 bed facility for youth aged 15-18 years with complex mental health issues. Staff at Brennan House develop individualized treatment plans to support or enhance youth with their integration into the community. Youth have barrier free access to the Mental Health Clinician as well as individualized and clinically informed care.
Details about Brennan House 905-577-1166Good Shepherd Christmas Programs bring the joy of the holiday season to many people in our community.
Details about Christmas Programs 905-972-9485 Email usThe Emergency Clothing Program provides cost-free help for families and individuals in need. If you have questions about the food & clothing program, please call 905.972.9485. We operate Monday to Friday with appointments scheduled for 9am, 10:30am, 1pm, and 2pm. Doors open at 8:30am and 12:30pm. We are closed for lunch from 11:45am to 12:30pm. Doors are closed for the day at 2:45pm. A friendly reminder to arrive on time for your appointment. Late arrivals may be required to reschedule at a later date.
The New Registration process is in person and on a first come, first served basis, so please arrive early (no later than 8:30AM or 12:30PM) since we have a daily registration capacity limit. *Please bring I.D. for all household members with proof of address when you register in person.
Details about Emergency Clothing Program 905-972-9485The Good Shepherd Venture Centre Emergency Food Program provides emergency food and clothing in an easily accessible environment for clients. We operate Monday to Friday with appointments scheduled for 9am, 10:30am, 1pm, and 2pm. Doors open at 8:30am and 12:30pm. We are closed for lunch from 11:45am to 12:30pm. Doors are closed for the day at 2:45pm. A friendly reminder to arrive on time for your appointment. Late arrivals may be required to reschedule at a later date.
The New Registration process is in person and on a first come, first served basis, so please arrive early (no later than 8:30AM or 12:30PM) since we have a daily registration capacity limit. *Please bring I.D. for all household members with proof of address when you register in person.
Details about Emergency Food Program (Venture Centre) 905-972-9485Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. provides supportive housing in Hamilton. Tenants are typically those with mental or physical disabilities and victims of domestic violence.
Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Hamilton 905-525-5188Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes provides permanent supportive housing and community-based programs to individuals living with mental health and substance use-related needs. Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes helps people with a history of or at-risk of homelessness and support them in maintaining permanent housing and improve their quality of life. Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes connects individuals to resources needed to nurture and maintain social, recreational, educational, occupational and vocational activities.
Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Toronto 416.203.2711Good Shepherd Health Clinics are part of the Shelter Health Network (SHN), which is a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare providers operating within the shelters and community agencies in the downtown core of Hamilton. SHN was established in 2005 to reach out to a high-risk population who do not have stable housing and who have complex health problems, which often have a secondary presentation of a mental health and addiction issues. SHN has thirteen clinic sites, which includes five sites operated by Good Shepherd.
Details about Health ClinicsHealth on Wheels is a mobile health clinic designed to enhance services available to people who face healthcare barriers while accessing emergency shelters, drop-ins, encampments and other community-based locations.
Details about Health on Wheels 365.833.9382 Email usThe Homelessness Prevention Program supports families, women, and youth at imminent risk (within 60 days) of becoming homeless. To access the program, you must complete a telephone assessment. For more information call 289-919-0396.
Details about Homelessness Prevention Program 905-528-6565Good Shepherd Notre Dame House is committed to helping youth who are street-involved or homeless due to family violence, conflict, abuse, neglect, poverty and exposure to mental health and addiction issues. Our goal is to ensure that they have the support they need to overcome obstacles and break down barriers to become active and contributing members of our community.
Details about Notre Dame House 905-308-8090View a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.
© 2025 Good Shepherd