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Emmanuel House Hospice

Emmanuel House is more than a hospice; it is a place for people to experience their end-of-life journey with dignity and comfort in a place that feels like home. The Residential Hospice is where we provide 24-hour care for people with a life-limiting illness and require comfort and support for themselves and their families. Please review our updated Visiting Policies document linked below for more information.

Details about Emmanuel House Hospice 905.308.8401
A Family Unpacking

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Hamilton

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. provides supportive housing in Hamilton. Tenants are typically those with mental or physical disabilities and victims of domestic violence.

Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Hamilton 905-525-5188
A Family Unpacking

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Toronto

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes provides permanent supportive housing and community-based programs to individuals living with mental health and substance use-related needs. Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes helps people with a history of or at-risk of homelessness and support them in maintaining permanent housing and improve their quality of life. Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes connects individuals to resources needed to nurture and maintain social, recreational, educational, occupational and vocational activities.

Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Toronto 416.203.2711
Woman Massing Foot

Health Clinics

Good Shepherd Health Clinics are part of the Shelter Health Network (SHN), which is a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare providers operating within the shelters and community agencies in the downtown core of Hamilton. SHN was established in 2005 to reach out to a high-risk population who do not have stable housing and who have complex health problems, which often have a secondary presentation of a mental health and addiction issues. SHN has thirteen clinic sites, which includes five sites operated by Good Shepherd.

Details about Health Clinics

Health on Wheels

Health on Wheels is a mobile health clinic designed to enhance services available to people who face healthcare barriers while accessing emergency shelters, drop-ins, encampments and other community-based locations.

Details about Health on Wheels 365.833.9382 Email us

Homelessness Prevention Program

The Homelessness Prevention Program supports families, women, and youth at imminent risk (within 60 days) of becoming homeless. To access the program, you must complete a telephone assessment. For more information call 289-919-0396.

Details about Homelessness Prevention Program 905-528-6565
Doctor Discussing With Patient


HOMES (Housing with On-site, Mobile and Engagement Services) is a supportive housing program funded by the Ministry of Health and the Local Health Integration Network. HOMES provides housing and supports to people living with mental health issues who have experienced homelessness or are at risk of being homeless. 

Details about HOMES 905-528-3655

Martha House

Martha House is a secure and accessible, 40-bed emergency shelter for individuals and their children who are homeless and fleeing violence and abuse. Programs & Services; safe, short-term accommodation in private family-style units, safety planning and emergency transportation to the shelter, if needed, referrals and advocacy for legal, medical, financial, employment, housing and community services.

Details about Martha House 905-523-8895

Mary’s Place

Mary’s Place is a 20-bed emergency shelter for individuals 18 years and older. Mary’s Place provides safety, support and emergency accommodation to clients who are dealing with homelessness, poverty, mental illness and/or violence. Programs & services; emergency accommodation and safety planning, referrals and advocacy for medical, legal and other community services, assistance in establishing permanent housing.

Details about Mary’s Place 905-540-8000

Notre Dame House

Good Shepherd Notre Dame House is committed to helping youth who are street-involved or homeless due to family violence, conflict, abuse, neglect, poverty and exposure to mental health and addiction issues. Our goal is to ensure that they have the support they need to overcome obstacles and break down barriers to become active and contributing members of our community.

Details about Notre Dame House 905-308-8090

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View a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.

View full list 905-528-5877

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