The focus of assistance in the Assisted Living Program is to promote and strengthen the individual’s health and social environment. We work with clients and families to find the best possible ways to maintain independent living while respecting the dignity and personal choices of the individual. The staff is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help clients on both a scheduled and unscheduled basis.
Details about Assisted Living for Seniors 905-777-8801Available as part of Good Shepherd’s Women’s Services; Violence Against Women Community Counselling, Child & Youth Counselling, Wellness Program, Learning Effective Anti-Violence in Families (LEAF), Legal Advocate, Family Court Support Worker, Good Shepherd Health Clinic, Comfort Foot Care.
Details about Community Support Services for Women & Children 905-523-8766Emmanuel House is more than a hospice; it is a place for people to experience their end-of-life journey with dignity and comfort in a place that feels like home. The Residential Hospice is where we provide 24-hour care for people with a life-limiting illness and require comfort and support for themselves and their families. Please review our updated Visiting Policies document linked below for more information.
Details about Emmanuel House Hospice 905.308.8401Good Shepherd Health Clinics are part of the Shelter Health Network (SHN), which is a multi-disciplinary team of healthcare providers operating within the shelters and community agencies in the downtown core of Hamilton. SHN was established in 2005 to reach out to a high-risk population who do not have stable housing and who have complex health problems, which often have a secondary presentation of a mental health and addiction issues. SHN has thirteen clinic sites, which includes five sites operated by Good Shepherd.
Details about Health ClinicsHealth on Wheels is a mobile health clinic designed to enhance services available to people who face healthcare barriers while accessing emergency shelters, drop-ins, encampments and other community-based locations.
Details about Health on Wheels 365.833.9382 Email usGood Shepherd Notre Dame House is committed to helping youth who are street-involved or homeless due to family violence, conflict, abuse, neglect, poverty and exposure to mental health and addiction issues. Our goal is to ensure that they have the support they need to overcome obstacles and break down barriers to become active and contributing members of our community.
Details about Notre Dame House 905-308-8090RAAM is a community-based service, providing assistance to people in community settings including encampments, shelters, drop-in centers and more. RAAM provides medical withdrawal management, maintenance and detox support for patients who are motivated to safely come off illicit substances or decrease overuse of over-the-counter drugs.
Details about Rapid Access Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Mobile Program 365-833-4635 Email usThe SAM Program is an adult therapeutic day program which offers clients a structured “day out” in a safe and supportive environment. SAM program sites offer a variety of social, recreational, mentally and physically stimulating activities to participants, with the program goals of Stimulation, Activation, and Motivation.
Details about SAM Adult Day Programs 905-525-5632 Email usAphasia is a language disorder which affects a person’s ability to communicate. It can occur after an injury to the brain such as a stroke. One third of people who sustain a stroke will experience some form of Aphasia. It can also be due to the degenerative condition of Primary Progressive Aphasia.
Details about SAM Aphasia Program 905-525-5632 Email usThe Seniors at Risk in Hamilton Collaborative facilitates timely interventions and offers supports for seniors impacted by issues such as dementia, abuse/exploitation, mental and physical health challenges, precarious housing, food insecurity and social isolation.
Details about Seniors at Risk in Hamilton Collaborative 289.919.3450 Email usView a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.
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