Palliative Care Outreach Team
Good Shepherd, in partnership with community palliative care providers, offers in home services to individuals with advanced progressive illnesses, and their families. We work with individuals to provide palliative care that is appropriate, timely and pertinent to their personal goals of care. The family physician remains the primary health care provider.
Contact Information
905-308-8401 x3284
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Tamara Johnson, Director of Operations, Seniors Program, Emmanuel House Hospice & Palliative Care Outreach Team
905.528.5877 X 2436
Claire Kislinsky, Director of Health Strategy for Seniors Services, Hospice and Palliative Care
905.308.8401 x3223
Palliative Care Outreach Team
Good Shepherd, in partnership with community palliative care providers, offers in-home services to individuals with advanced progressive illnesses, and their families. We provide palliative care that is timely and pertinent to their personal goals of care. The family physician remains the primary health care provider.
Our clinical experts include:
- Clinical Navigator – A palliative care nurse helps navigate health and community services required at end of life. The navigator provides coordination of community resources to help keep individuals in their homes and their caregivers informed and supported.
- Palliative Care Physician – works with family physicians, providing home visits, and telephone consultation regarding pain and symptom control prescriptions.
- Advanced Practice Nurses – work closely with the team to provide expert assessment and care.
- Spiritual /Bereavement Clinician – supports individuals/loved ones with emotional, social, spiritual issues. They offer grief/bereavement counselling and assist with end-of-life planning.
The outreach team is funded through the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Local Health Integration Network.
To learn more about the PC Team please call 905 308 8401 x3284.