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Housing Support

Assisted Living for Seniors

The focus of assistance in the Assisted Living Program is to promote and strengthen the individual’s health and social environment. We work with clients and families to find the best possible ways to maintain independent living while respecting the dignity and personal choices of the individual. The staff is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help clients on both a scheduled and unscheduled basis.

Details about Assisted Living for Seniors 905-777-8801

Bakhita House

Good Shepherd Bakhita House offers short-term (up to three months) housing to single women and women-identifying individuals with the primary focus of helping them secure permanent housing. The program provides communal style housing with three meals a day and tailored support services. The referral process for the program is carefully reviewed by Refuge Newcomer Health. Only individuals residing in an emergency shelter system within the City of Hamilton are eligible.

Details about Bakhita House 905-528-5877 Email us

Brennan House

Brennan House is an 8 bed facility for youth aged 15-18 years with complex mental health issues. Staff at Brennan House develop individualized treatment plans to support or enhance youth with their integration into the community. Youth have barrier free access to the Mental Health Clinician as well as individualized and clinically informed care.

Details about Brennan House 905-577-1166

Community Support Services for Women & Children

Available as part of Good Shepherd’s Women’s Services; Violence Against Women Community Counselling, Child & Youth Counselling, Wellness Program, Learning Effective Anti-Violence in Families (LEAF), Legal Advocate, Family Court Support Worker, Good Shepherd Health Clinic, Comfort Foot Care.

Details about Community Support Services for Women & Children 905-523-8766

Creative Works Studio

Creative Works Studio (CWS) is operated by Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. as a community arts-based studio. The studio was founded in 1995 by Isabel Fryszberg, an occupational therapist and practicing artist with a vision that these two occupations could have significant benefit for persons living with mental illness and/or addictions. The Creative Works Studio’s mandate is to provide individuals living with mental illness and/or addictions a place to heal through the power of artistic expression.

Details about Creative Works Studio 416.203.2711

Dorothy Day Place

Dorothy Day Place is a supportive housing program for women (2-Spirit, trans and cis), non-binary and gender diverse people impacted by homelessness. Studio apartments provide permanent housing with on-site flexible supports that promote dignity and autonomy for people who face personal and structural barriers to accessing and maintaining housing.

Details about Dorothy Day Place 905-528-5877
A Family Unpacking

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Hamilton

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Inc. provides supportive housing in Hamilton. Tenants are typically those with mental or physical disabilities and victims of domestic violence.

Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Hamilton 905-525-5188
A Family Unpacking

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Toronto

Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes provides permanent supportive housing and community-based programs to individuals living with mental health and substance use-related needs. Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes helps people with a history of or at-risk of homelessness and support them in maintaining permanent housing and improve their quality of life. Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes connects individuals to resources needed to nurture and maintain social, recreational, educational, occupational and vocational activities.

Details about Good Shepherd Non-Profit Homes Toronto 416.203.2711

Homelessness Prevention Program

The Homelessness Prevention Program supports families, women, and youth at imminent risk (within 60 days) of becoming homeless. To access the program, you must complete a telephone assessment. For more information call 289-919-0396.

Details about Homelessness Prevention Program 905-528-6565
Doctor Discussing With Patient


HOMES (Housing with On-site, Mobile and Engagement Services) is a supportive housing program funded by the Ministry of Health and the Local Health Integration Network. HOMES provides housing and supports to people living with mental health issues who have experienced homelessness or are at risk of being homeless. 

Details about HOMES 905-528-3655

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View a complete list of our programs, or call so we can guide you to the help you need.

View full list 905-528-5877

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